About the course

This course is a tightly packed one day workshop.

1 day course

Full length version of the course where we are able to watch and discuss a number of long form documentaries and really get an understanding of long form narrative structure.

Course Summary

A one-day intensive course exploring the alchemy that makes videos go viral and looks at how we can apply those techniques to the films, videos and media campaigns.
We explore what exactly is ‘share-ability’ and how can we ‘make’ people share our content. We categorise types of viral video and discuss treatment styles and narrative execution. We discuss the importance of emotional engagement in the success of viral videos and how these affect the audiences likelihood to share the video.
By carefully deconstructing several successful viral videos we can identify common qualities that go towards making a video or campaign more shareable and therefore more likely to go viral.

Share-ability is a videos potential to go viral and it’s this magic quality that every producer, publisher, broadcaster and campaign marketer is after identifying and ‘bottling’. If you fit into one of these roles, then this course if for you.

Delegates will leave with a better understanding of what components need to be planned for before video production starts, in order to increase the chances of their campaign going viral. During the course we will discuss their specific ideas and develop them so they leave the workshop with a focused campaign idea.

Day 1 Syllabus

What is viral video?
What makes a video go viral?
Identifying video treatment types
What are the common qualities of viral videos. The ten secrets to make a video go viral
What makes something shareable
Understanding trending and strategising release, publication and campaigns
Analysing examples
‘The art of rough’ – making it look spontaneous and/or subversive, frame by frame deconstruction
Essential story engagement and successful narrative arc with timeline analysis
How to end
