About the course

For best results, with fun exercises throughout, this is generally a two day course.

1 day course

This course is generally consumed as an efficient, presentation led, one day workshop, powering through the essential elements that can lead to success with online video strategy and publishing.

2 day course

Some clients prefer a two day version of this course that allows delegates to break up the presentation with project specific exercises that they can apply to their own content. This allows delegates to leave with not just a new skill set, but an immediate, measurable improvement to their the online video presence.

5 day course

A three day version of this course not only allows delegates to break up the presentation with project specific exercises that they can apply to their own content, but also learn how to edit and re-version video of their own specifically for each platform, for maximum audience engagement and retention.  This allows delegates to leave with not just a new skill set, but an immediate, measurable improvement to their the online video presence.

Course Summary

For most of us, ‘broadcasting’ video means publishing online. But do we consider all the variables of platforms we are publishing on? Is the ‘build it and they will come’ mentality really working for us?
We need to understand who are audiences are on each platform? We need to have a bigger overall strategy for what we want our audiences to do once they’ve consumed our media?
And we really need to understand what success really looks like and how we measure it? So often companies think it’s all about clicks and sharing but that is so wrong.
This course busts the myths about online video, platform behaviour, aspect ratios, sharing and more. It looks at the important detailed considerations of video media campaigns, delves into algorithms and analytics specific to each platform.
The course shows you how YOU can take control, shape your audience and drive their online behaviour. It’s time to get more people not just watching your video, but watching it all the way through and engaging with it!

This course is for anyone, from journalists to public relations, agencies, marketers, YouTubers, sales and many more – anyone who publishes video online and then wonders why the audience isn’t responding as well as they had hoped.

To learn how to build a cross platform, online video strategy for your company or organisation. To learn how to shape narratives that are specifically designed for your audience and to understand how those treatments need to be reworked and re-versioned for different platforms. To better understand how to serve and use platform specific analytics to improve your videos chances. To better understand how to get more of your content directly into users news feeds and in front of their eyes. To understand how to read platform specific analytics and use them to help better shape your online video strategy and video treatments to better serve your audience.

Day 1 Syllabus

A history of broadcasting and communications
Broadcasting Conventional v Online
Online platform specific audience breakdown across the world
Online audience behaviour and consumption habits
Basic considerations: aspect ratios etc
Basic audience engagement: careful keyword and hashtag choice
Using influencers
The difference between the audience you have and the audience you want
The common qualities of some of the biggest Viral campaigns
The science of narrative reveal and treatment style for online (platform specific) audiences
Narrative reveal and visual storytelling tips and tricks
Re-versioning videos for different platforms
Designing and building a campaign strategy by re-versioning a single video
What do you want your audience to do? Bigger online corporate strategy
Posting considerations to cater for platform specific algorithms
How to access platform specific analytics and how to read them
Platform specific analytics and how to use them to help shape your future audience
Balancing, serving your audience better with appealing to new audiences
Engaging audiences and making them feel they own your output
Single and multicam lives, quizzes, games and other engagement techniques
Summary of best practice changes for better online video success
