Documentary Production

Dean Arnett specialises in observational and engaging, character led documentaries. Documentaries that are marked out by their intimacy, actuality, emotional involvement and editorial depth. He has been responsible for hours of network programming for BBC, Amazon, Discovery, and others around the world.

No matter what subjects and stories covered, at the heart of all the films is an exploration of the human condition. It’s this ‘quality’ that makes the films stand out and connect so strongly with our audiences.

The main aim is thought-provoking, award winning, documentaries that change people’s perspective, change people’s lives and change the world. Films that continue to resonate with viewers long after they’ve seen them.

1. Research

2. Audience Focus

3. Development

4. Production

5. Post production

6. Broadcast campaign

We’re always looking for new projects to get involved in. We’re here to tell your story, help you to make your story, or help you tell a story better that you’re already in the process of making. If any of those sound like you, then get in touch!